30 May 2010


Took a trip to the Forest this evening.

First a stop at Nagshead to see Pied Flycatchers. Much to my continued chagrin, however, I failed to see one again. I don't know what the problem is; I did everything right with no reward. Still, the Spotted Flycatchers from the Lower Hide were an unexpected bonus.

Then to Boys Grave. Teeming with insects. As twilight set - from the viewpoint over the clearing - a calling Woodcock flew past left to right providing great views. The Nightjars were calling regularly by 2130, and one flew past (closer than the Woodcock) right to left. It was a male, and through binoculars the fading light allowed muddy views of its plumage.

At one point a bird landed on right of the three trees in the immediate foreground. I got my telescope on it and had a good view. Then I tried to take a photo by shoving my little camera up to the scope on a very high ISO setting. The results were lamentable.

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