02 January 2011

1st January.

I'd hoped to spot the Lesser Scaup on the Rushy at Slimbridge, but couldn't find it. As it turns out, neither could many better birders than me. I did get a much better look at that other Greater Scaup (the one I thought was a female).

Definitely a male. Blaze not big enough for a female, I was told... and now I've seen it in clear conditions (no fog!) it has the beginnings of pretty strong grey vermiculation on it's back. Also, one could - on occasion - catch a hint of green on it's head. Indeed, I think this photo shows the green - at least it does on my screen.

I picked up 43 species for my 2011 year list - including a great Redhead Smew from the Zeiss Hide. Here is a typically spectacular photograph of it:

Still, this year isn't going to be about frantically adding to a year list, rather (in the majority) about finding and seeing a list of 35 birds I've never seen before. I'll post the list very soon.

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